Block C, 1st Floor (Counter), Jalan Cenderasari, 50590 Kuala Lumpur


Annual Practicing Certificate (APC)

Annual Practicing Certificate (APC)

Pursuant to the Medical Act 1971 (the Act), practitioners are required to register with the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) to practice medicine in Malaysia. Apart from registration, the Act also mandates practitioners who want to practice in that particular year to apply for Annual Practicing Certificate (APC).

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

In accordance to Regulation 28 of the Medical Regulations 2017 (the Regulations), applications shall be accompanied by a professional indemnity cover and evidence of sufficient continuing professional development points (minimum of 20 points). The CPD diary runs in an annual cycle from 1st July to 30th June each year.

Temporary Practicing Certificate (TPC)

Pursuant to the Medical Act 1971, practitioners are required to register with the MMC to practice medicine in Malaysia. Hence, their application should be submitted prior to practice. Pursuant to section 16 of the Act, a TPC is issued to enable a foreign registered medical practitioner to practice in Malaysia for the duration of not more than three months for the purpose of teaching, conduct research, and attend post-graduate courses, fellowship training or clinical attachment.

LOGS & Translation

Letter of Good Standing (LOGS)

The Letter of Good Standing (LOGS) is required for the purpose of registration with other foreign medical councils or professional registering bodies.


Pursuant to the Medical Act 1971, you are required to register with the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) to practice medicine in Malaysia.