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What is CPD?
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a life-long learning process that maintains, enhances or increases the knowledge and skills, and attitudes of medical practitioners.
CPD is any learning outside of undergraduate education or postgraduate training that helps you maintain and improve your performance.
CPD is inclusive of formal learning activities (e.g., attending seminars, lectures, courses, conferences, workshops) and informal learning activities relevant to the role and scope of practice (e.g., reflection on practice, reading journals, work-based learning, scholarly activities, journal clubs, self-directed learning).
Why is CPD important?
Doctors have an ethical responsibility to ensure patient safety and to provide the highest standards of care for their patients.
CPD helps doctors keep up to date and be fit for practice, and respond to the changing needs of patients and the healthcare delivery system.
CPD is an integral part of the process of improving the quality of healthcare that we deliver to society.
Is CPD mandatory?
Yes, the Medical Regulations 2017 make it a legal requirement for registered medical practitioners to show evidence of participation in CPD for renewal of the Annual Practicing Certificate (APC).
What are CPD points?
The CPD point system is a mechanism for recording participation in CPD based on the time (day) or session you spent on the educational activity.
Normally, credits given are based on one credit equating to one hour of formal educational activity (category A) or an equivalent measure of other educational activities.
For other CPD activities, credit points are allocated per activity (scholarly activities – category C and professional activities – category E) or session (work-based learning – category B and self-directed learning – category D).
What is a CPD Cycle?
The CPD Cycle helps doctors to effectively structure their CPD learning easily through the years.
The key stages of a CPD Cycle include identifying the learning needs, methodical planning, carrying out learning activities, recording the activities, and finally reflecting on learning.
The MMC-CPD Cycle will run for 12 months.
The collection of CPD points for the application of APC for a CPD Cycle shall start from 1st July to 30th June, e.g., CPD points for the application of APC for 2024 shall be from 1st July 2022 to 30th June 2023.
How many CPD points must I demonstrate to renew my APC?
You are required to obtain a minimum of TWENTY (20) CPD points per CPD Cycle.
Is there a maximum limit to the number of CPD points one can obtain?
There is no maximum limit to the number of CPD points you can obtain per CPD Cycle.
Although you need to acquire a minimum of 20 CPD points for the renewal of your APC, it is your responsibility to do enough CPD to remain up to date and fit to practice.
What will happen to my extra CPD points at the end of the CPD cycle? Can I use it for the following year?
Extra CPD points earned during the current CPD Cycle cannot be carried over to the ensuing CPD Cycle.
I am a specialist gastroenterologist. Do I need to earn CPD points specific to my specialty?
The MMC-CPD system does not differentiate the specialist doctor from the nonspecialist doctor. However, it would be desirable for specialists to undertake CPD activities tailored to their scope of practice.
What activities are counted for CPD?
CPD includes all activities that doctors undertake, to maintain, update, develop and enhance their knowledge, skills, and attitudes in response to the needs of their patients, as listed in the MMC-CPD Grading System (effective 1st July 2023).
CPD is inclusive of formal learning activities (e.g., attending seminars, lectures, courses, conferences, workshops) and informal learning activities relevant to role and scope of practice (e.g., reflection on practice, reading journals, work-based learning, scholarly activities, journal clubs, self-directed learning).
Generally, any activity from which you learn or develop professionally can be considered eligible for CPD, though you should ensure that these are relevant for your practice and professional development as guided by the MMC-CPD Grading System.
What is MMC-CPD Grading System?
CPD belongs to the individual, but there is a need for the organised collection of evidence of educational activity.
To facilitate these requirements, the MMC-CPD committee in collaboration with Ministry of Health (MOH), Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) and Academy of Medicine of Malaysia (AMM) has developed the MMC-CPD Grading System.
The MMC-CPD Grading System shows the range of CPD activities that you may undertake and the credit points that are allocated for specific activities.
The CPD activities are categorised into the following domains:
Formal educational activities include participation in activities to update knowledge and skills, such as attending lectures, seminars, scientific meetings, conferences and skills training.
Work-based learning is professional development that takes place within the work environment in the medical practitioner’s current role. Work-based learning includes learning activities and development opportunities including such as journal club meetings, audit/morbidity/mortality meetings, interdepartmental meetings, grand ward rounds.
Scholarly activity is work that enhances educational development and includes, discovery of new knowledge and technology, dissemination of knowledge, supervision of training and participation in assessments. (for more, please refer FAQ page)
How do I keep a record of my CPD activities?
You are required to show evidence that you have acquired sufficient CPD points for the renewal of your APC. There must be documented evidence such as certificate of attendance, letter of attestation, synopsis (for self-study activities).
MMC has formally appointed myCPD, MMA and AMM as ‘Administrators of CPD point collection systems’.
Administrators of CPD point collection systems provide recording platforms, and they are available as a web portal or as a mobile application. These systems allow medical practitioners to record, monitor and reflect on their professional development.
You may choose to use any one of the CPD point collection systems (MMA, MOH or AMM systems) that have been approved by the Council to record and monitor your CPD points.
You shall take responsibility for the recording and monitoring of your CPD activities.
The CPD record should accurately reflect the CPD activities you have attended.
You may use the following link to seek a step-by-step guide to record your CPD activities:
How do I demonstrate my CPD points for the renewal of APC?
The Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) is linked electronically to all of the Administrators of CPD point collection systems through the Medical Register Information and Technical System (MeRITS). Therefore, when you apply for your APC on MeRITS, the CPD points that have been verified and approved by your chosen Administrator will be reflected in MeRITS.
Do I need to keep evidence of my participation in CPD?
Yes, you are required to keep evidence of your participation in CPD activities. While you are required to submit all the required documents for the approval of your CPD points by the MMA CPD system, other CPD systems are based on trust. Hence the CPD points submitted for consideration of APC by other CPD systems may be audited.
Medical practitioners who are selected randomly for audit of their CPD data shall be notified and requested to submit documents to support their CPD activities.
Can I claim CPD points for online activities?
Yes, there are many free or paid online learning activities that you may undertake and claim CPD points. This is captured under the domain of “Self-Directed Learning” of the MMC-CPD Grading System. You may record evidence of your participation in any one of the CPD point collection systems.
I am currently very busy with my medical practice and do not have time to attend CPD. What do I do?
Participation in CPD is a mandatory requirement of the Medical Regulations 2017.
I am currently doing my Masters programme and don't have time for CPD. What should I do?
If you continue to practise, part-time or full-time, you will need your APC. To renew your APC, you APC will need to fulfil the mandatory CPD requirements.
I am semi-retired. I am only offering occasional locum service. Do I need CPD points?
CPD is any learning outside of undergraduate education or postgraduate training. To continue your medical practice, you will need to renew your APC and fulfil the mandatory CPD requirement. It is also an ethical and moral responsibility to maintain and develop your knowledge, skills and professionalism.
I am currently not working; do I still need to comply with the CPD requirement?
You would need an APC if you are involved in any form of medical practice. If you are not in medical practice during the year, you would not require an APC, hence there will not be a need to acquire CPD points.
If you are not renewing your APC, you will not need to fulfil the mandatory CPD requirements.
I have been in clinical practice overseas for a few years, and plan to return home to continue my practice in Malaysia. How can I renew my APC?
Most countries have regulatory requirement for you to participate in CPD. Regulatory/licensing bodies do provide certificates as evidence of your participation in CPD. On your return, you may provide evidence of your participation in CPD (CPD activities undertaken during the relevant CPD Cycle) to any one of the Administrators of CPD point collection systems who will transfer your CPD points to MeRITS.
I will be accompanying my spouse overseas for a year. Can I be exempted from CPD?
The regulations do not allow for the exemption but there are criteria that will be considered for CPD points reduction. Among these conditions is the provision for RMPs who have not practiced medicine for a year or longer due to specific personal circumstances, such as accompanying a spouse abroad, to request a reduction in CPD points. The MMC-CPD Committee is responsible for examining such requests and proposing suitable recommendations to the Council.
I have not been well, and was on protracted sick leave. I was not well enough to attend any CPD. Can I appeal for exemption from the CPD requirement?
The regulations do not allow for the exemption from the CPD requirement. Nonetheless, RMPs facing severe health issues necessitating extended medical care for a continuous stretch of three months or more, or intermittently amounting to three months or more within a CPD cycle, may seek a reduction in CPD points required to renew their APC. Such applications are subject to evaluation by the MMC-CPD committee, which will then forward suitable recommendations to the Council.
My mother is suffering from a serious illness and I need to take care of her, hence I am unable to attend any CPD activities at this moment. Can I still renew my APC?
RMPs experiencing personal difficulties, such as the need to care for immediate family members, may be eligible to request for a reduction in CPD points required to renew their APC. Applicants can submit an appeal for this reduction, and the MMC-CPD committee will assess this situation thoroughly before making suitable recommendations to the Council.
I gave birth this year and took maternity leave for 3 months. Do I still need to fulfill my CPD requirement?
If you were on maternity leave for 3 months or more during the CPD Cycle, you may apply for reduction in CPD points required to renew your APC.
Can I claim CPD points for international meetings that have not been formally approved?
Yes, you may provide evidence of your participation in CPD (CPD event attended during the relevant CPD Cycle) to any one of the Administrators of CPD point collection systems who will transfer your CPD points to MeRITS.
Can I claim CPD points for voluntary service? How do I claim the CPD points?
You may claim CPD points if the service is related to your medical practice and healthcare services under “professional activity”. You may provide evidence of your participation in the activity to any one of the Administrators of CPD point collection systems who will transfer your CPD points to MeRITS.
I am an examiner for Professional Examination. How do I claim CPD points?
You are eligible to claim points if you are an examiner for professional undergraduate or postgraduate examinations. You may provide evidence of your participation in the activity to any one of the Administrators of CPD point collection systems who will transfer your CPD points to MeRITS.
Can I claim CPD points for sports activities?
No, you may only claim CPD points for educational activity related to your medical practice and healthcare services.
New registered for Full Registration.
If you have acquired your Full Registration for the first time, your CPD point requirement will be reduced to zero (0) for the first two years, that is, for the year you receive your Full Registration and the subsequent year. However, RMPs should be reminded that they must start collecting CPD points from 1st July of the year they obtain their Full Registration.
For example, if a RMP obtains Full Registration in 2024, they will receive a reduction of CPD requirement for APC 2024 and 2025. In order to renew their APC for 2026, the RMP must accumulate CPD points during the CPD cycle from 1st July 2024 until 30th June 2025, that is, they must start accumulating CPD points during the year they acquire the Full Registration.
What is Professional Indemnity?
Professional indemnity is coverage that protects medical practitioners for any claims/potential claims of actual or alleged acts of negligence relating to and/or arising out of their medical professional services.
The primary objective of professional indemnity is to pay for any loss or damages and defences costs from the medical negligence claims/potential claims.
Professional indemnity providers provide coverage in exchange for premiums paid by the insured parties.
Do I need a Professional Indemnity?
Yes, pursuant to the 2012 Amendments to the Medical Act 1971 (“the Act”) and the Medical Regulations 2017, professional indemnity is a prerequisite for the renewal of Annual practicing certificate (APC), specifically:
Section 20 (1) of the Medical (Amendment) Act 2012
Any fully registered medical practitioner who desires to practice as a medical practitioner after 31 December of any year and who produces evidence of having satisfied any requirements or restrictions stipulated by the Council shall, not later than 1 December of that year, make an application in the prescribed form, produce evidence of professional indemnity cover and pay the prescribed fee for a certificate to practise as a medical practitioner during the ensuing year.
Regulation 28 Medical Regulations 2017 28(2) An application under sub regulation (1) shall be accompanied by— (a) a Professional Indemnity Cover; (b) the evidence of sufficient continuing professional development points obtained as determined by the Council; and (c) any other documents or certificates as determined by the Council
How much coverage should I have?
The amount of coverage for liabilities varies among doctors, and depends on your preference and your needs.
It is your obligation to ensure that the indemnity arrangements are adequate and appropriate for the risks and nature of the whole scope of your own practice.
I am an employee of Ministry of Health, Malaysia. Do I need professional indemnity?
Yes, you will need professional indemnity. However, please note that government doctors are provided coverage under Section 5, Act 359.
“subject to this Act, the Government shall be liable for any wrongful act done or any neglect or default committed by any public officer in the same manner and to the same extent as that in which a principal, being in a private person, is liable for any wrongful act done, or any neglect or default committed by this agent, and for the purposes of this section and without prejudice to the generality thereof, any public officer acting or purporting in good faith to be acting in pursuance of a duty imposed by law shall be deemed to be the agent of and to be acting under the instructions of the government “
I am an employee of the Malaysian Armed Forces (Angkatan Tentera Malaysia) or employed by any other Ministries. Do I need professional indemnity?
Yes, you will need professional indemnity. However, being a government employee, indemnity cover will be provided by the government.
Please note, medical practitioners employed by various government agencies will also enjoy similar privileges. Please verify with your establishment to submit the necessary documents for the indemnity coverage.
I am an employee of the Ministry of Health, Malaysia. I would like to engage in locum and private practice. Will I need additional indemnity cover?
Yes, you will need additional indemnity coverage.
However, please note, some independent healthcare providers may provide indemnity cover for the work you do for them. Please verify if the cover is adequate for the scope of your work at the facility.
I am a lecturer in a public university. Do I need professional indemnity?
Yes, you will need professional indemnity. However, public universities generally have a Group Indemnity Cover for all their doctors.
You must verify if the cover is adequate for the scope of your work at the facility and if it covers any other facilities that you are assigned to outside of the university.
Please note, the ‘Group Indemnity Cover’ may not cover your private practice in other facility. You will need to verify this with your university.
I am a lecturer in a private medical university. I engage in practice in the university’s medical centre. Do I need a professional indemnity?
Yes, you will need professional indemnity.
Though some private universities provide group professional indemnity for academic activities, it may not be adequate for the clinical practice. You must verify with your university if the cover is adequate for all your work at the facility.
I have retired and do not have a medical practice. I would like to retain my APC. Do I still need professional indemnity?
Yes, if you seek to retain your APC.
I am actively involved in voluntary medical service outside my regular work. Do I need additional professional indemnity?
Yes, you will need additional professional indemnity cover.
Please verify with the organisation if there is professional indemnity coverage for the voluntary work that you will be offering. If adequate and appropriate indemnity cover is not provided by the organisation, you must make your own arrangements to cover yourself.
If I provide medical care in emergencies outside work (Good Samaritan acts), will my professional indemnity cover me?
Malaysia has yet to introduce the “Good Samaritan Act/Law”. Doctors are advised to take note that the law does not protect them.
I am employed as a PIC (Person-in-charge) in a Healthcare facility. What do I need to know about professional indemnity requirements?
As a responsible officer you will need to ensure that doctors under your care have adequate and appropriate professional indemnity cover for their practice.
I run a busy medical practice and have several doctors working for me. What do I need to know about professional indemnity requirements?
As a medical practitioner you must have adequate and appropriate professional indemnity for the scope of your clinical practice.
As a responsible person-in-charge of your clinic, you must ensure that all medical practitioners working in your facility have appropriate and adequate professional indemnity.
I am an employee of KKM / Malaysian Armed Forces/other Ministries and will pursue postgraduate studies in a public university. Do I need professional indemnity?
Yes, you will need professional indemnity. However, public universities generally have a Group Indemnity Cover for all their doctors including postgraduate students. You will need to verify this with the university or your sponsoring body.
What are the Professional Indemnity documents that must be submitted to the MMC via the MeRITS system?
You are required to upload the policy schedule/ certificate of insurance/ certificate schedule/ group policy/ certificate of membership of the Professional Indemnity. These documents may vary according to the provider of Professional Indemnity, and the documents are subject to approval by the Council. The documents uploaded must clearly state your name, policy number/certificate number, period of coverage, limit of indemnity and your places of practice. For group cover, the facility is required to submit to us directly the main policy with the
complete name list of their practitioners. For MOH/Armed Forces: You are not required to submit any documents as the documents have already been submitted to us by the respective Ministry. Other Ministries: You are required to submit a cover letter on the indemnity signed by the Secretary General of the respective Ministry. Public University: You are required to upload the Group Policy as detailed above, or a cover letter from the Vice Chancellor detailing the above information. Private University: You are required to upload the Group Policy/ individual policy as detailed above. Private Sector: You are required to upload the Group Policy/ individual policy as detailed above. Others: You are required to upload the membership certificate/ policy/ schedule as detailed above.
What is primary source verification?
Primary source verification is a procedure to confirm authenticity of a qualification directly with the awarding institution via a third party.
Why is MMC introducing PSV?
As a regulatory body, it is our utmost priority to safeguard and provide assurance to the public that the medical practitioners registered with MMC are qualified and competent to provide the highest standards of medical care. It is a best practice against fraudulent credentials.
Who needs a PSV?
Medical graduates including Malaysians who graduated abroad applying for provisional or full registration for the first time
Doctors with foreign postgraduate qualifications/credentials applying for specialist registration
Doctors with foreign qualifications applying for temporary practicing certificate (TPC) for the first time
Who do not need a PSV?
Local graduates from Malaysia
Doctors with local postgraduate qualifications applying for specialist registration
Non-Malaysian doctors applying for renewal of full registration
Doctors who possess a prior registration with the MMC using the same qualification e.g TPC
When does this apply?
Effective 1st June 2020 as decided in the MMC’s 395th meeting on the 21st January 2020.
How will you verify my qualification(s)?
Currently, the MMC have appointed 2 bodies for the verification of medical credentials. The applicants may choose any of these verification body, and application should be made in a timely manner to ensure that the application can be processed on time.
The DataFlow Group through their online system ( – click here
What do I need to do?
Before you start your verification process, you should check whether your degree is listed in the Second Schedule and/or your postgraduate qualification is listed in the recognized postgraduate medical qualifications. If your qualification do not meet the registration criteria, the MMC will not grant you with a registration, even if they have been verified.
Set up an online account with either EPIC or
Upload the required qualification(s) for verification in the online account.
Once your qualification has been verified, the ECFMG or the DataFlow group will notify you and MMC. The verification report will be sent to MMC directly.
Once verified, your completed application will be processed
How much will it cost?
You are advised to check the fee section of the ECFMG/ DataFlow Group as all verification payments will be made directly to them. Please be reminded that all cost for PSV is at your own expense.
How long will it take to verify my qualification(s)?
This depends on a number of factors, including:
the time it takes for your awarding institution to respond to
whether your awarding institution accepts these requests electronically (sending requests by post or courier will take a longer time).
We recommend that you start the verification process as early as possible and have your qualifications verified before applying for a registration with us.